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10th PROJECT: 04. Completion of “sample”

Last time, we finally decided on all the parts such as waterproof nubuck and inaka that will be used in "Everyone's Mikey"! This time, we will create a "sample" that combines the parts.
Will they be able to create a pair that still retains the sneaker feel even though it uses the Mackay manufacturing method? This is the final episode of the series, where the appearance of "Everyone's Mikey" is finally revealed, which is suitable for the 10th anniversary.

Go to "01. Planning meeting"

Go to “02.Decide specifications”

Go to "03. Leather and sole materials"

Person introduction

The founder and designer of blueover. Tama's hobby is wood carving.

blueover/struct staff. During the winter, I fell in love with knitting.

EgawaThe 10th anniversary is finally approaching this weekend!

This is the fourth installment of Watari Minna no Mikey.
What used to be parts has finally become a sample of a pair of shoes!


Oh! At first glance, it looks like Mikey!

That's right. This time, even though I changed the specs to McKay's, I think I was able to make it look sneaker-like and Mikey-like by making the inaka white and matching it with the EVA in the same color.

However, compared to the regular Mikey, the sole has become a little more voluminous due to the addition of inaka.

It's true that the sole is a bit thick, but this hard-to-understand special feeling is typical of the blue overcoat (lol). Even if the sole unit below the inaka wears out, it can be replaced neatly because of the inaka.

The standard Mikey in the back, everyone's Mikey in the front

The tip of the toe is also angled to make the EVA part so it doesn't look like boots.

The standard Mikey's toes are rolled up, but everyone's Mikey's toes are angled but not rolled up.

On the left is the classic Mikey taupe, on the right is everyone's Mikey

The upper is the same as Mikey's pattern. It's just Mikey, so it's important not to change anything here. However, the waterproof nubuck is thicker than regular velor, so it has a better presence.

It is true that the standard Mikey uses floor velor with the front side of the leather removed.
Therefore, compared to nubuck, which is a single piece of leather with a brushed surface, nubuck has a different thickness and presence.

Plus, it's waterproof nubuck.
So, following on from last time, let's talk about waterproof performance once again!

*If the nubuck is not waterproofed, water will seep into it immediately and the color will change.

I like it. And this waterproof shoe is amazing even when you look at it as a shoe...

I'll do it...

And the colors are gray and black.


Even the standard Mikey comes in two different colors.
Also, there is one more thing that is different from usual.


Is it the tag on the back of the tongue? 10th anniversary special tag!

That's right, I created this tag just for this occasion!

Basically it went well, but there was one thing I couldn't anticipate...
That is the bonding of the sole unit and inaka.
The inaka is big and the sole unit is a little small.

However, before making the shoes, we made sure that the sole unit and inaka were exactly the same size.

The inaka on top and the sole unit are exactly the same size.

That's right, but it turns out that even if the designs are exactly the same, "misalignment" will occur when they are pasted together.

The inaka is more convex than the sole unit.
This wasn't what you intended to happen, right?

I'm not aiming for it. It was actually supposed to be flat, not bumpy.

Actually, I don't really understand it...
Even though the parts fit perfectly, why does this happen?

I guess by sewing the Ainaka with Mackay, the material of the Ainaka is stretched and becomes larger. There's nothing I can do about this.

I see.
The inaka is sewn onto the upper and then the sole unit is pasted on, so maybe the order has something to do with it?

So, for the final sample, I had them forcibly shave off the convex part of the inaka (lol)

The unevenness is gone, but the inaka seems to be a little loose...?

The product version will be flat.
Contrary to the first sample, I made the inner part concave and the EVA convex, and finally I decided to shave off the convex part of the sole unit.

In other words, will it be like Runmarland?

That's right, this time I decided to stick to the sneaker-like look and made the eyewear white, so it actually looks more unified.

I see. Then you can feel safe

This is a specification that has been done before with Runmar.

Runmarand is a model using the Mackay manufacturing method. There are no irregularities on the edge of the sole and it is flat.

I think it probably varies depending on the person or company developing the product...
Samples are often finished one step before the final product, like this time.

That's certainly true.
Sometimes we repeat the sample until it's just the same as the product, and even though it's 90% complete like this time, we often make small adjustments on the final version.

Even though it is completed, it is just a "sample". In this case, the true completion is when it becomes a product.

By the way, this sample will be unveiled at Blue Over's flagship store Struct on April 17th (Saturday), the 10th anniversary, right?

For those of you who have read this series, the trial and error process that we have gone through up to this point should be clearly visible through the samples. I hope you enjoy that part too.

We will be accepting reservations for "Everyone's Mikey" from April 17th (Saturday) until May 9th (Sunday) after Golden Week! Of course, you can view samples at the Struct store while reservations are being accepted, not just on Saturday, April 17th.

Mass production will take some time, so I think we will be able to deliver the product around the beginning of autumn.

The sample is complete...but the important thing hasn't been decided yet! ?

Well, I just noticed one thing.
The price of everyone's Mikey... hasn't been decided yet...

No, it's decided

Oh, it was decided!

I'm thinking of spending 25,000 yen + tax.

that? Seems too cheap for nubuck + Mackay...
I think Nubuck + Mackay's Runmarland was 29,000 yen + tax.

That's right. But it's the 10th anniversary.
Rather than the price, I took the plunge and chose this price because it's Mikey with everyone and it's blue over.

Egawa: As the name ``Everyone's Mikey'' suggests, we decided on the price with everyone who supports us in mind.
In other words, it's only this time to celebrate the 10th anniversary.
We would like to deliver this "Everyone's Mikey" with special specifications and price to all the fans!
This is the final installment of this series. Thank you everyone for reading!

Blue Over celebrates its 10th anniversary, and we look forward to your continued support!

  • Everyone's Mikey
  • ・Special ``Everyone's Mikey'' is a 10th anniversary version of the standard model ``Mikey'' that blueover has been making for 10 years. The upper has been changed to waterproof nubuck. The cemented manufacturing method, which normally makes it difficult to replace the sole, has been replaced with the Mackay manufacturing method, which allows the sole to be replaced, resulting in a pair of shoes that can be worn for a longer period of time.
  • ・Price: 27,500 yen (tax included)
  • ・Reservations accepted: April 17th (Sat.) - May 9th (Sun.) In-store or from the web store
  • ・Size: 22.5cm to 28.5cm (1cm increments) The size is the same as the standard Mikey. If you want to check the size, please try the standard Mikey.
  • ・Color: Gray/Black

Go to "01. Planning meeting"

Go to “02.Decide specifications”

Go to "03. Leather and sole materials"

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10th PROJECT: 03.Leather and sole material

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