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Concept Deep Interview #03|Thoughts behind shoes

Celebrating 10 years since its establishment, Blue Over has updated its concept statement. The new concept statement incorporates the background of the brand, the way we approach manufacturing, and the thoughts we want to share with those who wear our shoes.

[Full text of concept]

The concept is quite long, over 2500 characters. In this content, Blue Over's designer Watari and staff member Egawa, who wrote the article, will delve into the content.

Person introduction

The founder and designer of Blue Over. Tama's hobby is wood carving. My favorite car is the first generation Honda City E-AA.

Blueover/Struct staff. Enjoys handicrafts on holidays. I would be happy if I could use what I made right away.

#02 To sympathize with folk crafts

EgawaLast time, we explored what Mingei is and the common elements between Mr. Watari and Blue Over, who sympathize with the concept of ``wholesome beauty'' contained within Mingei. This time, I would like to explore how that philosophy is translated into a concrete tool (sneakers).

Watari: Yes. please


Next, what is the design of Blue Over? It's about designing the obvious. In other words, the shoes are ``comfortable to wear.''

For example, they carve a wooden last that fits a Japanese foot. Choose a material that will adapt to your feet the more you wear it. The pattern is designed so that there is no stress when the legs are bent. Set the optimal sole hardness for walking, not running. A timeless look that you can continue to wear without being influenced by trends.

In this part, you talk about what Blue Over thinks about when making shoes.

It's not a special feature, it's a common feature. I think it is important to fulfill this requirement. Our shoes are designed for the most common action of walking. That's why I'm conscious of doing normal functions properly, not special ones.

run fast! Or jump! Walk normally, not as a matter of course.

yes. Of course. But, I also think that it is very difficult. For example, when you wear shoes that are extremely fluffy and comfortable, people may think, ``Wow!'' at first, but if you wear them for a long time, that fluffiness actually becomes tiring.

I agree. When we explain this part to customers at the store, they are often surprised. When I first heard about it, it was eye-opening for me, but when I looked back at all the "fluffy" shoes I've been wearing, I realized that I must have been tired.

“Fluffy” means that the sole that supports your feet is not stable, but in that case, your feet are constantly trying to balance themselves to compensate for that instability, which can lead to fatigue. However, when you first start wearing them, the special "fluffy" feature has a greater impact and makes you think it's nice.

Egawa: To put it more bluntly, it's similar to feeling tired from walking on your bed. When I run, I need something fluffy to absorb shock.

On the other hand, when you try on a blue overcoat, you think, ``Hmm, it's normal.'' Then you don't know how good it is.

In fact, when comparing it to running shoes, many people's first reaction may be, ``What the heck are these, they're stiff?'' (lol)

However, this is a ``hardness'' designed with just the right balance for the movements of ``walking'' and ``standing.'' Then, it's only after wearing it for a long time that I think, "Huh? This is really good." It takes quite a long time for people to understand how good it is.

Is that really true...

With all that in mind, I think it's incredibly difficult to try on shoes and realize how good they are over time.
So, what I think is the best thing about shoes is that before you know it, you'll be able to wear these shoes often. I'm the happiest when I realize that I'm a regular.

I have several pairs! It really gives me strength to hear people say, ``I've seen the good things.''

The next most important factor is that it can be used for a long time. To ensure long-term use, choose durable materials and make sure the toe and heel core material is sturdy. Depending on the model, a bottom material that is hard to scratch or a manufacturing method that allows for replacement is used. These may seem obvious, but they are not easy to achieve. The design that Blue Over offers is to design shoes that are comfortable and can be worn for a long time.

Blue Over shoes have a consistent philosophy, even when choosing a single material. That sounds very harsh, but isn't it difficult to balance it with the price?

I'm talking about the future of wearing shoes, and while I think about the price, I also want shoes that I can wear for a long time because they're often worn. I'm also thinking about that balance.

...Judging from your tone, it seems like it's more difficult to balance ``ease of wear'' and ``long-lasting wear'' than balance with price.

That's right (lol) We're carefully considering the specifications for the invisible parts, but it's not easy to get the balance right.
For example, in order to wear shoes for a long time, the outsole must be highly durable. But that means it weighs more. It leads to loss of comfort. On the other hand, using a lightweight outsole has the disadvantage of sacrificing durability and causing it to wear out quickly. That's why I feel that finding the answer to the question of ``a balance between comfort and longevity'' is a characteristic of Blue Over. Well, it's hard to understand because I can't see it (lol)

I guess you could say that such factors are a trade-off. Especially when you consider how hard shoes are to be used, it tends to end up where one thing stands up and the other doesn't. If you value both ease of walking and long-term wearing, you end up cramming in conflicting elements.
But instead of taking one and throwing away the other, Blue Over is always looking for good options, and while they are trying to make them last longer, they are also looking for comfort. Is it okay to understand that?

(Laughs) Yes. All I can say is that...

Be comfortable <br>I sometimes think that shoes are very mysterious products. Shoes are a tool that connects and transports the wearer's body to the outside world. It can be said to be a unique entity that straddles the boundary line that connects the body and the ground. Whether it's good times or hard times, we always share time with each other and accept them for who they are. I was particularly drawn to shoes like that.
Sometimes I look at the shoes I cherished in my high school days, and it brings back memories from those days. The emotions that come back with memories are not only nostalgia, but also emotions similar to love. Is it because the well-worn shoes literally feel like friends with whom we have shared joys and sorrows? The Blue Over is also designed to be comfortable and make you want to wear it all the time, so that the people who wear it can create memories.

After reading this, shoes do seem to have a strange feel to them. It's kind of like a vehicle. Is it close to a car?
I mean, some people think that all they need to do is wear shoes and the car should move, while others are obsessed with the idea that these shoes are good or that this car is comfortable. What's more, since you'll be traveling together, you'll be able to make memories as well. It seems like we are similar in that way

Hmm. surely. Now that you mention it, I feel like they're similar.

Mr. Watari also drives a car that you don't often see.

Yes, my beloved City car is a bit inconvenient, but it still makes me feel good to drive it. I closed my eyes to the inconveniences and chose only the elements I liked.
Once you go out and get into your shoes and car, you have to stay with them until they come back. You will feel tired after wearing them. It's true that both of them seem to be attached to that part.

I thought Mr. Watari would like it, so I used a car analogy, but the truth is, I can't drive a car.


Ahaha. No, but I too feel the ``feeling of tired people'' you mentioned. Out of all the things I own, I get attached to my shoes, so it's hard to let them go. Can I still wear it after taking care of it? That's it

The Stan Smiths I wore in high school that were worn out and had small holes on the side (I believe they were real) are still quietly displayed in my house. It's not vintage or anything, so when people see it, it's just a worn-out pair of sneakers. These are completely my own memories.

Long-lasting wear <br>Threaded-in shoes take on the characteristics of human oils and natural wear that comes from being exposed to nature. Shoes that are made to be worn for a long time will be cared for over that period of time, and will acquire more flavor. When I look at the well-maintained shoes, I sense a richness in them.

When I read this part, I nodded a lot.Of course, brand new shoes are cool, but shoes that have been worn with care have a special atmosphere.
I was looking at a magazine and thought these shoes were great, and when I looked at the credits, I noticed that they weren't shoes from a new costume, but rather the model's or stylist's personal belongings.

I also think that well-maintained and well-worn shoes look really cool. Especially boots and leather shoes. Ah, I think that's cool. People say they want to age coolly, but I want my shoes to age coolly as well. That's why I want to create sneakers that grow like that.

They are made to last for a long time, and if you have a child and that child can wear the blue overcoat, it would be a great feeling.

That's great!

It may seem intuitive, but I believe that valuing things brings comfort, peace, and warmth not only to the things themselves, but also to ourselves. The fact that Blue Over is a shoe that can be worn for a long time means that the more you wear it, the richer your expression becomes, and the more you wear it, the richer your spirit will be.

Because I have peace of mind, I can take good care of my personal belongings. Rather, it means that valuing the things around us leads to peace and comfort.

I also hope that's the case. Things, not just shoes, are like crystals created by the hands of many people, and I think of things as a medium for communication between those who make them and those who use them. Instead of looking at things as objects, we look at people through objects. I hope that by embracing these feelings, you will find the seeds of abundance.

Blue Over strives to make shoes that make the wearer feel that they are worth cherishing.

This time, we introduced the designer's thoughts on the design of the Blue Over, especially the design that emphasizes the comfort of walking and the selection of materials that will make it comfortable to wear for a long time.

Blue Over's philosophy for making shoes is to fully satisfy the ``natural functions of shoes.'' Blue Over wants the wearer to feel that their shoes are important, even if they are not flashy or luxurious, as they are carefully made one by one based on that idea.

At the same time, I think you could sense Watari's desire to create shoes that create memories for those who wear them.

Blue Over shoes are sneakers that gently speak to the person who makes them to the person who uses them, so they are not just shoes to be worn. So what do you want the person who wears the blue overcoat to feel? In the next and final episode, we will talk about Blue Over, which makes ``special shoes that are commonplace,'' and its message to everyone who wears them.

#04To everyone who wears it

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